Saturday, January 2, 2010


We believe that God has called us to win our natives and nations. It is a huge goal but the Lord is taking us from one level to another level in winning the people for Him and also we do praise God with thanks giving heart for making you as part of this ministry to work on accomplishing the goals with your help.
We had a blessed time with Pas Raymond & his friends from Malaysia. Their teachings are such a blessing to the Bible College students and most of the students had begun to operate the gifts of speaking in tongues and prophecy. Number of people got saved in open air meetings and it has been good strength to the WON branch churches because people are added to the local WON Churches.
To organize family seminar to our WON Pastors has been desire in our lives and God gave an opportunity to host that blessed event on 23rd & 24th Dec 2009 and Rev. H. G Mithra, Professor in Serompore Bible College, Calcutta (established by William Cary) brought the word of God in this seminar and all the WON Pastors and wives who took part of this seminar had been blessed by God and learned many new insights
Words cannot begin to describe how excited we are to say that how God used all through this year and especially in the month of December. Almost every day of the month we had a privilege to share the Gods work in different part of our state A.P, India. We had the Christmas celebrations at our college campus and most of the ECCH kids and ECBC students showed up the Gods given talents and presents message based skits and performed dances in order to attract the non Christians. I do found that WON churches that the number in WON churches and increased and still the churches are growing and our only aim to win the people for Christ at any coast and our only job is evangelism at out where the people are. Pray and be part of this history of revival.
Students are quite busy in traveling to different towns and villages along with me in spreading the joy of Christmas and ever where we have seen the hunger in the lives of the people to know the truth. Most of the student’s hearts filled with the passion to win people for the coming king. Our effort in equipping the Indian nationals given much meaning and we do take this opportunity to
thank all those godly people who stood with Sir Malcolm, Mother Phyllis and with us for a noble cause to support this young men and woman to be trained at ECBC to work for the expansion of the Gods kingdom.
Kids are truly talented and most of the kids got an opportunity to expose their talents for the glory of God. All of them are very much happy and exposing themselves as Jesus is the reason for the season. We must appreciate the teachers who are taking lots of care in molding the kids’ lives. Remember that your little change can bring change in the lives of the orphans so please do consider the plea and respond with the Gods love to be the channel of blessing to these orphans.
We have small group of students having their training and students are good in learning more over they are growing spiritually. Once they do belong to the Hindu families but now they are having Jesus as their savior in their lives. Pray that these young women’s will get the placement after their training period.
We are very much thankful to one and all for your support of prayers and continue the same in this New Year.
Please do ponder on sowing the seed of finances in to this growing ministry. If you are led by the Lord please do contact us for more details.
Take a step of faith to be the part of the history of revival.
Thanking you
In His Mission
Jeevan & Glory