Saturday, January 19, 2008


Our nation India is vast, with more than 6, 00,000 village in it. While more than 50,000 villages have no churches in more than 300,000 villages have never heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It may sound unbelievable, yet it is true. There are more than 4,500 people groups in India. Our nation needs to be reached with the Good news. There are thousands of people in India, perishing without the saving knowledge of the one true God, Jesus Christ. We have to fulfill the will of God, according to 1 Tim 2:4, which says “God our saviour, who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth”. We have to involve in God‘s mission:

Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to all creation.” (Mark 16:15) with these words, Jesus made it clear exactly what his disciples were to do – they were to spread his teaching in his name, preaching salvation unto the ends of the earth. (Rom 10:18). If you consider yourself a “disciple” of Jesus Christ. Every believer is called to spread the ‘Good News’ about Jesus to those who have not yet heard. Jesus command is definite and clear –it is his great mandate, His Great Commission to the soldiers in his holy army. We must go, because our great General has commanded us to go.


Today, the need is the greatest it has ever been in the history of mankind. There are more than 3000 ethnic people groups in India. They are yet to have a worshiping fellowship among them. There are 222 languages in India, each of which is spoken by at least 10,000 people. Of these, 71 languages do not have any portion of the Scripture in their own mother tongue? There are about 27,000 postal codes in India. In 1998, it was found that 18,000 of these postal code areas did not have single resident Christian workers as a witness. Do these figures move you at all? Does it matter to you that an estimated 20,190 unsaved people die every day (approximately 841 every hour… 14 people every single minute) to face the judgment seat of Christ?

Faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ… how shall they hear without a preacher? (Rom 10:17,14) India is closed, to missionaries from other countries, but Indian missionaries can travel to any part of our country and preach the ‘Good News’. The North Indian states, where more than 600 million people live, contain less than 2% of Christians: Rajasthan (0.12%), Uttar Pradesh (0.15), West Bengal (0.6%). Tripura (1.2%), Punjab (1.10%). Orissa (1.9%), Maharashtra (1.3%) Gujarat (0.39%), Bihar (1.1%), and Jammu and Kashmir (0.14%). More than 90% of our evangelistic efforts are carried out by about 4.5% of the Christians in our country. More than 98% of our Christian books and magazines address only Christians. More than 98% of income is spent on Christians, themselves. There are about 30,000 local evangelists, working in cross cultural situations. Our evangelistic efforts should increase to meet this tremendous need.

Is there any doubt in your mind that God wants everyone to be saved? If you believe this, and you really love Jesus, then WHY are you so timid about getting involved in this great thrust to be bring the Gospel to all the nations? Come let us build his kingdom together.

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