Sunday, February 7, 2010


We are very much delighted to share the awesome things of God with you all. As we begin this New Year with much prayers and fasting God helped us to accomplish the new church building in Pinapalla village and the good thing in this new church building is that the complete church construction done with the finances and labor support of the church believers. This WON Church is located in the midst of the Hindus and Muslims and by the Gods grace after the completion of the church construction many new members are added to that particular church and many accepted Jesus Christ as their personal savior. As we all know that God always honors the faithfulness so this is one of the examples in many of His miracles. One more church is under construction in Pedakadmi village and the major part of the sponsorship done by the couple in USA through our dear beloved missionary couple Sir Malcolm & Mother Phyllis. We do also busy in sharing the good news of Jesus Christ through the gospel meetings in different villages and Bible College students are great assert to make all the arrangements and does the singing (praise and worship) in the open air meetings. Holy Spirit is in His business in winning the people and brining them in to the knowledge of Christ.
God placed burden in our hearts to help the lepers in our city and with the help of my uncles friend we were able to distribute 40 woolen big blankets to them and their hearts are filled with great joy to have these gifts in this winter season. All praises and glory to the name of the Lord for His out pouring of the Holy Spirit in these last days.
Students are excited and getting involved in open air meetings in different villages since the beginning of the year. Especially graduating students are excited to accomplish the course and have their graduation in the upcoming month. We are very much honored to send the 6th batch contains 20 members in to the full time ministry to reach India and win souls for His kingdom. We thank all the mission minded Gods people for extending your loving and kind support of prayers to train and equip the Indian nationals in our Bible College and making them to witness about Christ in their own languages.
Kids are doing their best in their studies and growing stronger in their physical and spiritual lives. Most of the kids are scored good marks in their recent exams and WON Home School teachers are working hard in shaping up the lives of the kids at our Orphanage. Soon we want to turn our WON Home School as a Public school so that near by village kids can utilize the privilege to do their studies in English medium by paying the minimum fee and the collection of fee can be bit helpful to the running costs of the Orphanage and to begin this project we must construct the school building in out WON land.
The current batch is going to complete their course in this month and they do take their certificates in three different courses Computers (DCA&DTP), Tailoring & Embroidery and Spoken English, along with the Bible College students in graduation service.
We are thankful to each and every one of you for your love and care towards our WON family and Lords work in India. God’s richest blessing shall be showered on your families.
Thanking you
In His Mission
Jeevan & Glory

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